Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Education System Today Making students Man or Machine

Education is a combination of Academics (subject knowledge) and Values (morals and ethics).

Education is one of the most important factors that lead to the development of a country and society as a whole. In case of a developing nation like ours a proper education system plays a vital role in the growth and prosperity of the people .While we talk about the Indian education system we can easily divide it into three parts namely primary, secondary, and post graduation, where most people pursue the primary and secondary level of education the post graduation level is not very widely pursued for with the number of students growing by the day the need for larger amount of schools and colleges becomes all the more integral.

Bearing this in mind there have been more and more universities and schools erupting in the country but the quality of education deters. Though our country boasts of higher level education in world renowned universities like the IIM’S and the IIT’S it lacks quality education as far primary and secondary level education is concerned.

Today children are being forced to read, read and re-read to get more marks, but very few teachers and parents are bothered to know how much knowledge the child has learnt from the lessons. They know every formula and definition, but don’t understand the concept. They can answer 1000s of objective questions, but do not realize what the objective behind studying them is? They know the equations, derivations and algebraic expressions, but don’t know how, when and where they can explicitly use them.  We are only at consuming the food up to the limits, but isn’t it necessary to get digested such that it can be useful to our body? Simply getting marks will not help in future unless it is combined with good subject knowledge. It may  matter in today’s world if the marks are 90 or 80 but it would surely matter much more in future, if we understand the subjects and know the concepts or not.

One side we are not sure of the purpose of the Academics we are studying, but on the other side there is no scope today to learn Moral or Ethical Values. Parents earn money by hook or crook to educate their children, they bribe them for every work they say, they give rewards for doing well in exams etc. Most of the schools are also busy in making money that they 
began ignoring their main purpose itself.
Living in between such kind of parents and studying in such kind of schools, can we expect the children to grow up morally and ethically? I wonder how many today even know what they mean? That is the reason we have doctors who deny to treat a dying patient unless they pay the money, we have scientist who use their valuable knowledge in making dangerous products that even challenge the existence of man, we have lawyers who don’t mind which side they are, as long as they are well paid … so on and on in every field, in every capacity. One of the major setback in today’s world is the way we are giving Education to the next generations. I do not worry much about illiteracy or ignorance they can be dealt with. But what makes me more concerned is the existence of academicians without knowledge and genius without morals.

We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet” – Swami Vivekananda

Do we have any answer for this? Last time I heard Literacy percentage in India was 66% by 2007. What would be the percentage of EDUCATED people if we consider the words of Vivekananda as the definition of Education? How many are really educated and are using their education for the benefit of people, society and the country ?? Do we realize what is EDUCATION infact?
Education is said to be man-making …. But today are we making MEN or MACHINES ??? machines that can work for hours and earn profits for the employers, which can earn money for family and for their survival.  I wonder would it be ever possible to teach this machine how to LIVE ?

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